00 06/01/2012 12:04

The whole torture scene is really the worst one for me."Very gallant"? What! Tarnished my view of McGonagall forever. She's supposedly head of house for the brave people, not the extreme bullies (although we have no canon evidence that she ever did anything about the Marauders' behaviour) and then she goes saying that it's gallant to torture someone just because they don't agree with you.
Now, I wouldn't have minded if Harry had stunned Carrow but the torture is such a double standard.What,it's so terrible if the Carrows crucio your students because they disagree with Voldemort but it's somehow ok for you if your student crucio's them just because they spat on you? I understand you'd feel pretty insulted, but that is nowhere near an excuse. What is it with their devotion to the teachers anyway? "Dumbledore's man through and through"?

E vogliamo parlare di questa idiozia!

Harry non ha certo torturato Amycus per un banale "disaccordo"!
Ha perso le staffe quando hasputato in faccia a Minerva (e non fateci credere che sputare in faccia a qualcuno fa parte di un normale scambio di vedute!).

Se Harry ha usato 1 maledizione senza perdono (e non facciamo i buonisti, al suo posto avremmo fatto lo stesso) la colpa non é di Minerva!
Ci terrei anche a ricordare che quando gli ha detto "very gallant" era sotto shock e a stento si reggeva in piedi!

# Charlotte McGonagall su EFP

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